UniLend’s Initium Alpha is Live! Ushering in a New Era of Inclusive DeFi

UniLend Finance
4 min readDec 29, 2020



  • Initium, UniLend’s Alpha release, is now live!
  • UniLend Initium is available to view at https://app.unilend.finance/
  • Our UI is simple, intuitive and easy to use
  • Lending & borrowing functionality is now live, with exchange functionality being implemented in the next couple of days
  • UniLend Initium’s code is now available on GitHub for inspection
  • Our early access pioneers will begin to be invited to use Initium in coming days, with access to everyone coming in the very near future
  • We are beginning integrations with our many ecosystem partners, alongside more which are yet to be announced

In The Beginning

Time stands still for no one and Initium follows suit. On this momentous day, after months of relentless ideation, conceptualization and development, we’re proud to finally announce that the launch of Initium (our Alpha) is upon us! Amid increasing excitement from our community and the wider industry, the launch of UniLend is one of the most anticipated events of 2020. The wait is now over.

In the coming days and weeks many announcements will be made regarding additions and updates to our protocol, some which you may predict and others that will come as pleasant surprises. Our journey began with the dream of ushering in a new era of inclusive DeFi by unlocking DeFi functionality for all crypto assets. This is no small feat, and yet we are now making our dream a reality.

As our developers began to build, we have consistently expanded our initial scope and the future now looks even brighter than we ever imagined.

The Evolution of DeFi is Upon Us

UniLend Initium is available to view here: https://app.unilend.finance/

Understand that the Alpha release will unfold in phases and that this is the initial MVP presentation. There will be many updates to Initium in the coming weeks, even before our upcoming Beta launch. Some of these updates will be cutting-edge in DeFi and we can’t wait to reveal more. Additionally, there will be many updates to the user interface, and as a community centered project we will of course be inviting user feedback whether it is technical or aesthetic in nature.

Exchange functionality will be implemented in the next couple of days. In the meantime, the main nuts and bolts of our initial DeFi capabilities will consist of four main functions relating to our lending & borrowing functionality. As you can see, Initium currently has four tabs to choose from: Borrow, Lend, Redeem and Repay. Borrow and Repay are functions for borrowers on UniLend, and Lend and Redeem are functions for lenders.

UniLend Initium V1 UI

You will find our UI simple, intuitive and easy to use. The user experience is streamlined and straightforward with less overall clicks involved to complete the desired tasks in comparison to other protocols. Say hello to seamless DeFi.

UniLend Initium’s code is now available on GitHub for the world to see. This includes repositories for our exchange, lending & borrowing, and liquidations smart contracts. Anyone can now inspect our code at a moment’s notice, in order to see our progress so far and updates moving forward. We invite all developers and our tech-savvy community members to inspect our code and witness the power of UniLend line by line.

UniLend Initium Early Access Pioneers

As we announced recently, a select few will be chosen for our early access Alpha release program, from the staggering 42,000+ registrations received. We’ll select a few initial participants today and we will be reaching out via email to notify those selected. We will provide our early access pioneers with test tokens along with a user guide so they can truly experience the beginning stages of our journey with us.

In the coming days, we will choose another group from our community members to join in on assessing Initium. This will continue in batches. UniLend looks forward to working closely with the initial fortunate few who will help shape the beginning stages of our protocol. UniLend Initium will be open to everyone in the very near future.

Much More on The Horizon

As you may already know, a main distinguishing feature of our protocol is the permissionless listing functionality. Therefore, though the protocol is launching today with initial support for only UFT and ETH for demonstration purposes, we will be continually bootstrapping liquidity for more assets from now moving forward.

Additionally, now that our Alpha is live, we are beginning integrations with our ecosystem partners such as CoinDCX, ProBit, OpenDeFi, CryptoLocally, CyberFi, 3Commas and StaFi. As mentioned above, along with expected updates previously announced, there is much more to come that is yet to be revealed, including collaboration with more major industry players.

UniLend would like to formally congratulate our amazing community for being part of this revolutionary DeFi journey, we would not have it any other way. It is our pleasure to collaborate with those of you that will be selected for our early access program and with the rest of the community which will be able to experience Initium very soon.

With the launch of our Alpha, UniLend is well on the way to fulfilling our aim of unlocking the true potential of DeFi, and we’re gearing up for an even more momentous 2021.

Cheers to the evolution of DeFi, with UniLend pioneering the path forward!🥂

Strap yourselves in for an exciting couple of weeks, there is so much more in store for everyone! Take the time to follow us on our social platforms to stay up-to-date on the many announcements yet to come.

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UniLend Finance

UniLend is a Multichain protocol for Lending & Borrowing all ERC20 tokens permissionlessly. Website: https://unilend.finance